Our expertise for new IT security

Both scientific excellence and technological expertise are required to achieve the goals of the QuNET initiative. The five core institutes of the QuNET initiative are already involved in a large number of research projects that deal with the various aspects of quantum communication.

Interdisciplinary approaches to the development of secure overall systems

When implementing QKD systems, a holistic view of security must be ensured. The security of the overall system depends on all subcomponents and subsystems (including sources, detectors, quantum random number generators, key management systems and software). Consequently, the development of such systems with high security requirements is an interdisciplinary task.

Specialists from various fields (e.g. quantum information theory, experimental quantum physics, engineering, computer science, mathematics) must work closely together throughout the project. The QuNET initiative therefore provides for the active involvement of this expertise through the advisory board. In addition, an exchange of expertise will take place in the form of workshops.

Safety evidence analyses long-term safety

QKD is intended to guarantee the long-term security of encryption based on physical principles, which is analysed using so-called “security proofs” in quantum information theory. These are used to provide and quantify proof of information-theoretical security.


As with all security systems, the technical and practical implementation of quantum-based encryption must also
practical implementation must comply with the model assumptions of the security proofs. Their implementation in the various QKD protocols is critically analysed with the QKD community and compared with the requirements of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Attacks via so-called »side channels« must be prevented.

Representatives of QKD security and so-called “quantum hacking” are also represented. Other experts from the traditional security sector (e.g. BSI, private security industry) will be involved in the research project from the outset.

Security proofs and their implementation in the various QKD protocols are critically analysed with the QKD community and compared with the requirements of the BSI.

Standardisation of QKD

The standardisation of QKD protocols has been driven forward for many years by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), among others. Partners of the QuNET initiative are represented here. In addition to ETSI, there are other international bodies and institutions that deal with the standardisation of QKD systems, such as the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The aim of the QuNET initiative is to help shape the standards and norms adopted by these organisations in the national interest. In this way, Germany’s future ability to act with regard to quantum communication is to be guaranteed.

The use of quantum communication in critical or (high) security areas also generally requires authorisation from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Independently of QuNET, the BSI will have a protection profile drawn up to evaluate QKD products according to generally applicable criteria (“Common Criteria”) and further analyse the theoretical and practical security of QKD. These aspects will be taken into account at an early stage as part of the QuNET initiative and supported with the necessary scientific and technical preparatory work.

The experts on the advisory board

The QuNET partners have the latest knowledge to deal with scientific issues at the highest level. Furthermore, the core institutes offer important points of contact with other relevant partners from science and industry as well as government authorities. These include, for example, UniQorn, QUARTZ, HQS, CiViQ, QR.X, QUBE, OpenQKD and QSource. Through various projects, there are also already connections to fibre and satellite network operators as well as experts in the security industry.


»All conventional key exchange methods used today are based on asymmetric approaches with a publicly distributed key. Quantum computers can therefore be used to attack communication networks as part of critical infrastructures.

German Telekom is therefore looking for alternatives to the established methods. We are working on concepts and network architectures for a new, comprehensive security platform that can be used to distribute quantum-safe keys. The primary goal is to protect our own networks, network components and applications, followed by new services for our customers. To achieve this, Deutsche Telekom is relying on a future-proof solution that combines the best approaches from QKD and post-quantum cryptography (PQK). QKD enables security-relevant core networks to be protected even against currently unknown quantum algorithms; PQK is very promising for the network periphery, such as access networks, where QKD is not economically viable. Correct implementation and reliable evaluation of the information-theoretically secure QKD protocols are indispensable prerequisites.

Deutsche Telekom sees the QuNet initiative as an important national pillar for the introduction of a “QKD platform”. QuNet offers ideal conditions for an intensive exchange with representatives from scientific teaching and experts from industry.«

Head of Optics Department

»With quantum encryption, which is based on natural laws rather than mathematical algorithms, it is physically impossible for a potential attacker to “listen in” unnoticed; this is the appeal of this method. However, there is a long way to go before it can be implemented in practice, as existing components, products and systems have shortcomings that provide gateways. QuNET paves the way for this realisation and will thus enable German industry to develop suitable products in the future.

As the national metrology institute, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt supports the activities with regard to realisation with the metrological characterisation of products and components for QKD.«

Requirements for and Development of Cryptographic Mechanisms

»With quantum key distribution (QKD), QuNET is researching a new approach to secure communication based on physical principles, while post-quantum cryptography (PQK) is based on the presumed difficulty of certain mathematical problems. QuNET is thus laying the foundations for product developments by German industry and thus for technological sovereignty in the field of quantum communication.

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) regards QKD and PQK as complementary solutions. PQK can already be introduced now. There are still a number of unresolved issues with QKD. These relate to end-to-end security, integration into existing networks, theoretical security and also implementation security. A large number of quantum hacking attacks against QKD implementations are known.

As the federal cyber security authority, the BSI supports the development of test criteria for QKD devices and research into the security and use of QKD.«

Expert in quantum repeaters and responsible for the theoretical part of the roadmapping process in QR.X.

»Ultimately, the aim will be to ensure quantum-based security over longer distances – within Germany, in Europe and on a global level – without having to place high security requirements on the network nodes in between. A quantum repeater, which connects individual network segments in a non-classical way to create far-reaching entanglement, enables precisely this.«

Head of Certifications & Approvals

»Future quantum computers will probably be able to break our current asymmetric cryptographic procedures. In order to maintain the high security standard in the future, we are currently researching both post-quantum cryptography and quantum key exchange.

In quantum key exchange, quantum states are used to distribute cryptographic keys that cannot be copied or read unnoticed due to the laws of quantum physics. Secure, classically symmetric cryptographic methods can then be used to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the actual user data.

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity is happy to contribute its cryptological expertise and its experience in building and implementing secure devices and systems to the QuNET-QKD project in order to advance research into the encryption of the future.«

Senior Systems Engineer

»Security in communication is the basis for trustworthy social interaction in all areas of life. As technical progress pushes the boundaries of computer technology (e.g. quantum computers), the established methods for securing private communication become more vulnerable. Quantum key distribution (QKD) offers a way out of this dilemma, as it utilises the very properties of quantum states on which quantum computers are based to enable provably tap-proof communication. QKD is therefore a strong alternative for securing future communication. The necessary technologies for a first generation of Germany- and Europe-wide operational QKD networks are already available, so that nothing stands in the way of rapid industrialisation and social use. However, this generation will only realise part of the full potential of quantum communication with the help of terrestrial and space-based elements. Subsequent generations, which are already being researched today, will not only allow secure next-generation communication with the help of Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”, but will also enable quantum-based measurement technology and the long-range connection of quantum computers with a wide range of possible applications.

OHB sees QKD as a key technology for tomorrow’s society and is a founding member of the German Industry Association for Quantum Security (DIVQSec), whose aim is to promote industrially usable solutions for quantum-secure communication by generating and securing a national value chain.«

Head of Marketing & Sales

»Based on successful basic research, the establishment of a pilot network for quantum communication is an important milestone in the industrialisation of this technology. Tap-proof communication to and between satellites, drones and aircraft is the focus of Airbus Defence and Space in order to contribute to the establishment of global tap-proof communication networks for government institutions or commercial applications in the banking sector.«

»Secure communication is essential for many areas of life, whether for business, official or private purposes. QuNET pursues the approach of securing information transmission using quantum key distribution (QKD), i.e. utilising quantum physical principles that make it particularly difficult for potential attackers to eavesdrop.

qutools GmbH was founded in 2005 with the aim of developing and marketing QKD systems, among other things. We were probably a little ahead of our time and so we focussed on components and educational products in this area, for example to make QKD tangible for learners.
for learners. We are delighted to be involved in this initiative and are excited to see how far QCD and quantum technologies as a whole will change our future.«

»QuNET provides valuable insights into the practical feasibility and scalability of highly secure key exchange by utilising the special properties of quantum mechanics. Particular attention must be paid to the integration of physical quantum key exchange into a classic IT security architecture with key management, authentication and customer interface, because the security achieved should be able to continue at the same level in the digital world.«


Powerful quantum computers jeopardise all common asymmetric methods for exchanging cryptographic keys. Although sufficiently powerful quantum computers are not yet available today, it is generally assumed that cryptographically relevant quantum computers will exist in the future in view of the commercial interest and rapid technical progress. By storing encrypted data on a large scale today and decrypting it later using a quantum computer (the so-called “store now – decrypt later” attack), the long-term security of sensitive data is jeopardised. A timely migration to quantum-safe key exchange procedures is essential for highly sensitive information.


Adva Network Security demonstrated quantum secure cryptography with high-speed optical transmission using quantum key distribution (QKD) for quantum secure key agreement back in 2018. In these early pilot projects, it became apparent that more research is needed to further develop the maturity of available QKD systems and networks so that they can be seamlessly integrated into existing high-speed fibre networks. Adva Network Security participates in the QuNET advisory board as well as in several QuNET research projects to actively shape the transition to quantum-safe networks. In particular, we are interested in integrating high-performance and stable QKD systems into optical fibre networks while maintaining the highest security levels.«

Would you like to contribute your expertise to the QuNET initiative? Please contact the QuNET-Office.