The application scenarios of the »Quantum Key Distribution«
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the starting point for the application of quantum-safe communication, as is being researched as part of the QuNET initiative. The technological and other research and development requirements are derived from this in a strategy process.
The QuNET initiative has set itself the goal of preparing robust solutions for a quantum-safe IT infrastructure together with public authorities and the private sector. To develop concrete solutions, three application scenarios are being used as a starting point and further developed.
In all three scenarios, the aim is to use encryption based on “post-quantum cryptography” (PQK).
Application scenario 1
In the first scenario, end-to-end encryption is set up using QKD between two users, each in a high-security area.

Fields of application
- Communication between two authorities, e.g. for selected video conference lines, storage for documents of a confidential nature or for the transfer of sensitive data with long confidentiality periods
- Customised, individual special applications at the data level
- Coupling of two data centres, e.g. in banks or private companies
- Transnational point-to-point connections via satellite
Application scenario 2

Fields of application
- Securing critical infrastructure and government networks (more than two authorities)
- Securing the management and control plane traffic of critical infrastructures and communication networks of telecommunications providers
- Large customer applications on the data, management and control plane in communication networks, e.g. in star architectures in which several data centres or authorities are interconnected, with one data centre or authority forming the centre
Application scenario 3

Fields of application
- Individual employees or working groups within a high-security area or an authority (e.g. key petrol stations)
- Industry and authorities with a very large number of users (increased relevance of scalability and costs)
Application scenarios beyond QKD
In addition to quantum key distribution, multi-user networks can also be used for general state transfers.
Potential applications lie in the following areas, for example:
- Networking of quantum computers
- Distribution of time standards
- Improvement of positioning systems
- Secure and decentralised data storage
Technical requirements for QKD
- A1. Application-optimised key rate/usage data rate
- A2. General safety assessment (including certification, authorisation and hybrid procedures)
- A3. Practical range
- A4. Interoperability, retrofitting capability & Standardised architecture (e.g. EuroQCI, beyond QKD) & Components (e.g. quantum repeat)
- A5. High state qualities in quantum state transfer
- A6. Optimised hardware for QKD systems and quantum channels
- A7. Efficient & agile network topologies
- A8. Resilience
In addition, further research questions are continuously identified by partners in the QuNET innovation ecosystem as part of QuNET. These result from the highly interdisciplinary project work and are continuously updated and newly identified.
Basic technologies also play a key role in meeting these technical requirements. Many of these are already available in high quality in Germany, but still need to be optimised for use, standardised and miniaturised.