Die Publikationen der QuNET-Initiative


  • Title: Multi-Channel Time-Bin Quantum Key Distribution over a 70-km-long deployed Fibre Link
  • Published in: CLEO Europe 2023
    Published on 30 June 2023
  • Available at: Full-Text PDF
  • Title: Adjustable spatial filter for optimum free-space quantum communication around the clock
  • Published in: Optics Express Vol. 31, Issue 20, pp. 32362-32372
    Published on 22 August 2023
  • Available at: PDF Articel
  • Title: Towards metropolitan free-space quantum networks
  • Published in: Quantum Information, 9, Article 95.
    Published on 27 September 2023
  • Available at: Article
  • Title: Evaluation of integration concepts of optical ground stations for satellite-based quantum key distribution in a quantum network
  • Published in: ICSOS 2023
  • Published on 13 October 2023
  • Title: Development of laser terminals for satellite-based QKD on CubeSat platforms
  • Published in: ICSOS 2023
  • Published on 13 October 2023
  • Title: Laser Terminals for CubeSat based QKD
  • Published in: QTX-7-Workshop
  • Published 14 November 2023
  • Title: Clock synchronisation with pulsed single photon sources
  • Published in: Accepted in Quantum Science and Technology
  • Published 23 December 2023


  • Title: The secret service
  • Published in: Tagesspiegel
  • Published on 7 January 2022
  • Topic: Encrypted communication
  • Published in: The Debate
  • Published on 21 February 2022
  • Title: Film off for quantum encryption in the festival network
  • Published in: Data Centre Insider
  • Published on 23 February 2022
  • Title: The game of quanta
  • Published in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)
  • Published on 16 March 2022
  • Title: Interconnection technology for an all-optical satellite-based quantum key distribution system in the C-/L-band
  • Published in: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications ICSOS
  • Published on 28 March 2022
  • Title: QuNET and highly secure quantum communication
  • Published in: “Innovisions” interview
  • Published on 31 May 2022
  • Title: Development of a cascaded fine alignment and tracking control loop for quantum key distribution via optical free space communication
  • Published in: SPIE Sensors + Imaging
  • Published on 5 September 2022
  • Title: Analysis of Power Scintillation and Fading Margin in the LEO Ground Downlink with the OSIRISv1 Laser Terminal on the Flying Laptop and the DLR Optical Ground Station Oberpfaffenhofen
  • Published in: SPIE Sensors + Imaging
  • Published on 5 September 2022
  • Title: Photonic Components for Quantum Technologies
  • Published in: Quantum Technologies
  • Published in September 2022
  • Title: Quantum Communication Systems and Protocols
  • Published in: Quantum Technologies
  • Published in September 2022
  • Title: Apparatus and Method for
    Synchronisation of Quantum
    Key Distribution Systems
  • Patent application
  • Published on 30 November 2022
  • Title: Clock synchronisation with pulsed single photon sources
  • ArXiv Preprint
  • Published on 23 December 2022


  • Topic: Synchronisation of quantum communication systems based on correlated photons
  • CLEO
  • Published 2021
  • Topic: GHz-pulsed source of entangled photons for configurable quantum networks
  • Available at: FULL PDF Text
  • Published in November 2021
  • Topic: 12th integrated optical modules for quantum communication
  • Published in: Laser Focus World’s Top 20 photonics technologies (Laser Focus World)
  • Published on 17 November 2021
  • Title: Project QuNET: The great eavesdropping defence
  • Published in: Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity
  • Published on 2 December 2021
  • Title: Project QuNET: The great eavesdropping defence
  • Published in: Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity
  • Published on 2 December 2021